So, planting time is upon us. The first picture shows onion sets harvested from last years onions. We did not harvest all the onions and just let them overwinter. When we pulled them up we realized we had an abundant supply of onion sets. No need to buy any. The fence and posts are scavenged from other people's trash. Just keep your eyes open. Seek and you shall find.
The other pictures show the 6 raised beds ready for planting. Actually, the peas and beets are already planted. They will emerge any day now. The beds are 4' x 25' for a total of 600 sq. ft. of raised beds. We will add at least 3 more, probably more. A lot of work to establish but easier to maintain than the traditional row crop method.
And of course the truck. Big Red. A 1983 Chevy C-10 shortbed. The most reliable vehicle we own. Used to haul leaves, manure, utility poles, fencing and whatever else needs to be hauled. The truck has been invaluable helping us to set up the garden. It took a lot of labor to fix it up so it would run well. Old junk to some but need I say it again ? Usefull and low cost.
Well, that was exciting, wasn't it ? Keep recycling and reusing. And get your hands dirty !! Grow some food and share it with your neighbours. Best Wishes, Spudigger.